Under Pressure
by AP_CHIN on Oct.30, 2022, under
On one of the hottest days of the year, the first responders feel the pressure as harrowing incidents keep happening around the city, including a road rage accident involving a van full of tourists, an emergency at an auto-repair shop and a grenade. Meanwhile, Buck gets a surprise visit from his sister, and a handsome new hire Eddie jeopardizes Buck's chances of being chosen for a fireman calendar.
Tetsusaiga Breaks
by AP_CHIN on Oct.29, 2022, under
Inuyasha, though still recovering from his serious wounds, fights Goshinki, a demon who is eating an entire village.
The Wind Scar, Defeated
by AP_CHIN on Oct.29, 2022, under
Inuyasha and his group must defend themselves against an attack on multiple fronts. Kanna attacks Kagome, attempting to suck her soul into her mirror while Sango remains unconscious in the same room. Koharu tries to stab Miroku, while Inuyasha battles Kagura. Can Inuyasha use his Wind Scar to defeat her?
Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror
by AP_CHIN on Oct.29, 2022, under
Inuyasha and his companions come upon an orphan named Koharu, a young woman who believes she is in love with Miroku, after he helped her three years ago. When Koharu needs help again, they assist her and find her a home in a new village. When Naraku sends Kagura and Kanna to destroy Inuyasha and his companions, Koharu and the villagers become the new pawns in Naraku's devious plan.
The Deadly Trap of the Wind Sorceress, Kagura
by AP_CHIN on Oct.29, 2022, under
While Miroku and Sango fight Naraku's demon puppet, Inuyasha and Koga continue their deadly battle, with Kagura planning to kill the winner.
Trapped in a Duel to the Death!
by AP_CHIN on Oct.25, 2022, under
While Inuyasha's gang follows a demon bear with a jewel shard, Koga meets with some demons from the northern pack who tell him about their plan to storm a castle where a man has many jewel shards. When the chase leads Inuyasha and his comrades to the castle, they meet up with Koga, who is furious at the slaughter of the wolf demons.
Two Hearts, One Mind
by AP_CHIN on Oct.25, 2022, under
Kagome has returned home from the Feudal Era after an argument with Inuyasha. While waiting for Inuyasha to apologize, she spends time with her friends and Hojo approaches her, once again. Meanwhile, Inuyasha gets some advice from Kaede on the situation.
The Man Who Fell In Love With Kagome
by AP_CHIN on Oct.24, 2022, under
Inuyasha and the group must battle the Birds of Paradise, before they can reach the wolf den. Meanwhile, back at the den, Koga expresses his true feelings for Kagome. When the final battle with the Birds ensues, will Inuyasha's jealousy cost Koga his life?
Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, the Wolf-Demon
by AP_CHIN on Oct.24, 2022, under
When Koga, a wolf demon, kidnaps Kagome and Shippo, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango go on a rescue mission. But there's another foe they must defeat first, before they can reach their kidnapped companions.
The True Owner of the Great Sword
by AP_CHIN on Oct.24, 2022, under
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru continue fighting for the Tetsusaiga. After the fight, while Sesshomaru is recovering, a little orphan girl, Rin, tries to bring him food. When her village is attacked by wolf demons, Sesshomaru returns the favor and helps Rin. Meanwhile, Kagome senses a jewel shard. Inuyasha and gang follow her lead to the massacred village, where they are quickly surrounded by wolves and Koga.