The Promise Ring

by on Sep.02, 2022, under

Eric gives Donna a promise ring but things don't turn out the way that he planned; Jackie, seeing Donna's ring, demands that Michael gives her a promise ring too; Hyde and Fez go cruising for chicks.

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Backstage Pass

by on Sep.02, 2022, under

Eric gets upset at Donna when she goes backstage at a Ted Nugent concert and then forgets about him; Hyde and Fez get busted for selling counterfeit t-shirts; Kelso tries to be more romantic; and Red and Kitty can't remember how they first met.

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Canadian Road Trip

by on Sep.02, 2022, under

Eric, Hyde, Fez, Kelso and Leo go to Canada to get some beer. Unfortunately, they get stopped on their way back across the border because Fez lost his green card. Donna tries to convince Jackie that she's being scammed by a modeling agency. Red gets a bonus at work: a Beta Max so he can tape something now and watch it later, but he forgets a vital step in the process.

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Eric's Drunken Tattoo

by on Sep.02, 2022, under

After reading an entry in Donna's diary, Eric decides to get a tattoo, but things don't turn out the way he planned. Kitty has Pastor Dave over for dinner and he ends up in the hospital; Jackie tries to get Kelso to sleep so he can repeat something he said before when he was sleeping.

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Fez Dates Donna

by on Sep.02, 2022, under

Fez and Donna pretend to date so Caroline will leave him alone, but she stalks him anyways, until Fez tells her he doesn't like her any more. Bob reads the deed to his house and discovers that he owns half of Red's garage but Red sets him straight by turning the deed around and proving him wrong. Eric and Hyde have a pool going on when Kelso and Jackie will fight.

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Holy Craps!

by on Sep.02, 2022, under

Kitty forces Red, Eric, Hyde and Kelso to help out at a church fundraiser. Red spends all of his time at the craps table, Kelso and Hyde cheat at bingo so they can win all the prizes. Eric is busy worrying about his relationship with Donna because a church member told him that his wife was nice too, when they first met, until they got tired of each other. Jackie and Donna tell Fez that Caroline is a psycho so he dumps her after she threatens him.

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Eric's Naughty No-No

by on Sep.01, 2022, under

Kitty's sister visits and Kitty thinks she's only there to show off that she's more successful. After going to see an X-rated movie, Eric tries a new move on Donna but it freaks her out; Kelso learns that honesty is the best policy.

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The Trials of M. Kelso

by on Sep.01, 2022, under

Jackie tests Kelso to see if she should get back together with him. Fez, Eric and Hyde vandalize an opposing school's locker room because Fez was beaten up by their jocks. Kitty is angry at Bob and Midge for not inviting her and Red to their party until she finds out that Bob and Midge are nudists.

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Kitty's Birthday (That's Today?!)

by on Sep.01, 2022, under

It's Kitty's birthday and the only one who remembers is Hyde. To make up for forgetting, Eric and Red agree to do the most horrifying thing imaginable. Meanwhile, Kelso plans to win Jackie back by being her friend, but it doesn't work the way he thinks it would. And Hyde learns something disturbing about Caroline when he drives her home in his new car.

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Romantic Weekend

by on Sep.01, 2022, under

Eric finds a brochure for a nice motel and plans a romantic weekend with Donna, who's glad for the chance to get away from her feuding parents. Both lie about their whereabouts to their parents. But the lie blows up in their faces when they learn who their neighbors are at the motel. Meanwhile, Kelso thinks that he's not a man any more because he can't perform with Pam Macy.

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