Lady Parts

by on Sep.09, 2022, under

After the bodies of two young L.A. transplants are found poisoned, Chloe and Lucifer hunt for the killer. Upon Maze convincing Chloe to go out for drinks, which the detective perceives as an act of friendship, but is actually part of a bet between Maze and Lucifer, the two make a shocking decision.

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by on Sep.05, 2022, under

Lucifer and Chloe investigate a gruesome murder after a video of the crime surfaces on social media. When a second video appears, they realize they have a serial killer on their hands. Meanwhile, Lucifer’s mom returns as Charlotte Richards. Also, Amenadiel, struggling with his loss of power, has an appointment with Linda.

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Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire

by on Sep.05, 2022, under

When Lucifer’s mother, Charlotte, turns up at the scene of a grizzly murder pleading innocence, Lucifer is hesitant to believe her tale. Not wanting to leave her on her own, he instructs Maze to babysit her – and not to torture her, allowing him to investigate the case with Chloe.

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Everything's Coming Up Lucifer

by on Sep.05, 2022, under

Lucifer is distracted by his mother’s escape from hell, as he and Chloe investigate the murder of a stand-in actress. Meanwhile, Chloe’s faith in Lucifer is tested by the new medical examiner, Ella. Also, Amenadiel hopes to rein in Lucifer’s wild side, as they both deal with the absence of Maze.

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Episode 3

by on Sep.02, 2022, under

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Moon Over Point Place

by on Aug.28, 2022, under

Eric hates it when he finds a picture of Donna mooning the camera in the yearbook, and has to deal with his jealousy in the matter. Fez thinks that the white man is keeping him down because there are no pictures of him in the yearbook, and takes out his anger in a Foosball game. Jackie wants to spend time with Hyde, but when he won't go to roller disco with her, she decides to see what life is like on his side of the tracks.

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Cat Fight Club

by on Aug.28, 2022, under

Kelso has been warned that it could be dangerous for him if Red finds out that he's dating Laurie. Jackie finds herself tongue-tied in the face of Laurie's insults, so Hyde gives her lessons in Zen-coolness. She uses this, and a few other things, to triumph over her rival.

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Red Fired Up

by on Aug.28, 2022, under

Red is starting be nicer to Eric at work, since there's a bad employee, Earl, who's getting all of Red's attention. But when Red fires Earl, and Eric stands up for him, Eric is back in Red's line of fire. Meanwhile, Kelso decides to date Laurie openly, and they both get lectures from Hyde and Kitty.

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Holy Crap!

by on Aug.27, 2022, under

A work emergency leaves the Formans without Kitty on Sunday, and Eric and Laurie decide not to go to church. Kitty leaves that decision up to them, but when they don't change their minds, she brings the church to them by inviting Pastor Dave over for an afternoon of family fun and games. Kelso and Fez both grow beards, and Jackie finds the new, scruffy Kelso irresistible.

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Jackie Moves On

by on Aug.27, 2022, under

Fez asks Jackie out on a date; they go to an expensive restaurant but all she does is stuff her face and talk about Kelso. Red is angry at Kitty because she hocked a necklace that Red's mother had given her. Eric and Laurie try to out-insult each other and Eric wins when he tells Fez and Hyde that Laurie was born with a tail.

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