Episode 4
by AP_CHIN on Oct.09, 2023, under
It's an emergency: Hanzawa starts taking a nice morning shower, only to realizes that there's no shampoo in the bathroom.
You Reap What You Woe
by AP_CHIN on Oct.09, 2023, under
During Parents Weekend, Wednesday digs into her family's past — and accidentally gets her dad arrested. Enid feels the pressure to "wolf out."
Episode 3
by AP_CHIN on Oct.09, 2023, under
Hanzawa heads to the town hall to run some errands, but must also make a pit stop in enemy territory — the local police station.
Episode 2
by AP_CHIN on Oct.09, 2023, under
Hanzawa moves into a very nice apartment and becomes fast friends with a fellow resident. But then, a murder takes place.